Sunday, March 6, 2016

It's a Night Owl & Dark Mistress Thing

On average I get 4 to 6 hours of sleep a night. Not by choice. I can be dead tired and surviving on a blinks rest, but as soon as eleven o'clock rolls around, I'm wide awake. Sometimes it hits me later and nearing one in the morning, my brain suddenly kicks into overdrive with creative thoughts, ideas, and words that flow faster then my fingers can write or type.

It's been this way since I can remember. I fought sleep as a child and never napped. Nor do I now. When the mob and stars came out, my senses heightened and I would become more awake and alert.  More day dreaming occurred in the late night hours than ever possible during the day. With the darkness came my light.

A night owl, mistress of the dark, lover of the moon, shadow dancer, are all names or references I've been called. I don't mind. I've been called some darker things too, but these seem to fit and I no longer care about the stigma with them.  I prefer moonlight over sunlight.  Yet I still love and enjoy both.

It donned on me one day that I am this sweet and compassionate gal, but I had this love for black eyeliner, red lipstick, and some intriguing custom tattoos that might contribute to this mistress of the night thing.  Plus my eyebrows have those natural points at the top that give me that mischievous yet sexy look. Then I raise my one just a bit when I'm either super intrigued or slightly annoyed. Sometimes both.

I bare my bat on my chest, one of my favorite and most loved creatures for so many reasons.  Look closer at her and you will see a face within her. The eyes and nose of the smiling Green Man gaze back upon you. Look closer into my bat and the center is the ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis, as she is knelt down with her arms wide and her horned crown on her head.

Upon my back is my sacred skull tattoo. A layered piece of art that looks dimensional when walking away. Up close the underneath bares paisley eyes and heart teeth and many small hidden images that have personal meaning to me.  Layered over are watercolors, giving an illusion of an entirely different skull. Basically a dimensional skull within a skull. For me it's a soul/spirit connection with this word. My fathers family was heavily Native American and much of this ink is symbolic of ancient beliefs, knowledge, life, and the multiple lives/dimensions we walk in.

Below my skull I bare two large webs and dangling beneath one is Itsy Bitsy. These webs resemble a Tim Butron creation, as his movies such as 'Corpse Bride' and 'Nightmare Before Christmas' resonate with me. Some of my past medical battles, near death experiences, and life & love changing moments are reflected in the webs the spider weaves. She's creative, capable of incredible strengths, able to overcome a multitude of obstacles, and beautiful even in all of her fury.

I have quite a bit if ink and go back to continue work on my one sleeve and future projects.  I owe much of the creation process to Curt Ames, owner of Studio What? in Berlin, OH. What? Yes, Studio What? is indeed the name and it's the only tattoo parlor and rocking art alley in Amish Country. Aka, Holmes County, Ohio. I've known Curt off years and when I start rambling an idea, his mind and pen tune in and some some some work is created.

So there you have it. A glimpse at my love for the night and my love of ink. My usual sessions are 4-8 hours. I've had up to 12 hours in one day and once had a fairly large amount of ink work done two days in a row. I've been through enough in this life that the pain is moderate. It merely reminds me I'm alive. I rather enjoy the endorphins and love the energy and release at the end. For me it's literally a form of therapy.

This has been 'Late Night Pondering with Ms. Blaze'... As the screen goes to color bars and all you hear is the extended beep tone with the channels logo. It's two in the morning.

Kandi Blaze