Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Making It Happen

Being a woman in the automotive industry has enough challenges as it is. Running or owning a small business is the same way. You take all the good you can get because you are faced with daily challenges, unprecedented undermining of your skills, and numerous rumors that you must sleep with everyone to get your work. I’m pretty sure every successful woman in the history of women being successful battled beyond belief. So when the good is good, it makes you want to grab it by the horns and go for an amazing ride of your life.

The last couple of weeks I have found myself suppressing my own happiness and joy, for the sake of “saving“ friendships, appeasing others, and even out right worrying about the rumors and voices of others with snide remarks.  I’ve heard it all lately. I’ve seen true colors from a lot of people, including those I would’ve considered close friends, and like-family. It hurts beyond measure that their anger and cynicism is over a friend working hard to try to succeed at something. 

I found myself tossing out numbers to people to justify their ‘holy shit’ facial expressions of the business growth. Why did I feel the need to explain and defend myself? Oh yea, it was the looks of disapproval or jealousy. I couldn’t understand those looks, so I found my self repeating what I was leaving, why I was moving, and the benefits, and no brainer to it. When I spelled it out to several people, they seemed to understand a little better and fully agree this was indeed a great move to make and I’d be stupid not to. Well, no shit! That’s why I’m doing it! 

People like to assume. You shouldn’t. People like to believe rumors and gossip, and they never bother looking at the other persons perspective. I’ve been excluded from a lot lately in my ‘family’ and circle of friends.  Why? Because of rumors, people that literally aren’t who they say they are, and pot stirrers that sit back and laugh at trying to make misery for others. I’ve withdrawn a lot from events that aren’t related to the automotive world.  To be honest, I don't have time for it and I’m tired of shedding tears and being stressed out because of what others think I may or may not be to fit their mold. 

Today I was overwhelmed with the amount of people that are rooting for the success of the hot rod shop.  The inspiration we, as a mostly female team of hot rod builders, give to young girls is priceless. We push the boundaries in this industry, and we defy the odds of what is expected in this type of business. 

I’m learning every step of the way to put a shell on my heart and keep pushing forward. It’s harder and harder to let people in, but despite rumors of me having a blackened soul and no heart... oh wait. That one is true. I might be the one that said that. ;) In all seriousness, I do have walls up that I didn’t have a year or so ago, and I don’t know if I’ll ever take them down. What I do know is, I was put on this earth to do what I love and encourage others to fully be themselves and embrace their passions in life. I have to realize that no one person can sabotage your dreams, even if it’s their goal. Fight for what you believe in (if it doesn’t harm anyone). 

Peace, love, and a little go fuck yourself to the haters.