Wednesday, April 27, 2016



Here is where I am forgotten.
The journey here misbegotten.
My shadow still dances in the moonlight.
Reflections shimmer from this calcite. 
Weathered and worn is my fame.
Visitors no longer gather around my name.
My life is in this stone etched by man.
Yet I am tall and proud I still stand.
Sunset after sunset the trees reach higher. 
After the winter solstice the days grow brighter.
I watch the cycles from my standing grace.
This is my home, this is my place. 
I am all that is left above her beauty.
Returning to earth was her final duty.
Alone we are all in the end.
Just these stones to help broken hearts mend.
Memorials of loved ones passed by.
No more flowers to wilt and dry.
Leaning from roots and weather.
Discarded to make room for another. 
Stacked among the sacred stones.
Left in a pile like old rib bones. 
We are gone. 
We are gone. 

Kandi Blaze © 2016

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