Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Little Things

The little things... 
Sunlight dancing on the ripples in the spring fed stream.
Reflections of water on the Bluebell flowers gleam.
Dragonflies swirling through the Spring breeze.
The smell of fresh cut grass and blooming pink Peonies.
Glowing embers rolling with flames shooting above.
Early conversations and coos with a morning dove. 
Late night kisses under the Milky Way.
Making love in the back of a beat up Chevrolet.  
Standing by a pond while bats buzz around.
Placing my bare feet on the cool damp ground. 
Watching lightening strikes spider against the night sky.
Singing a newborn baby a sweet lullaby. 
Listening to autumn leaves fall to the ground.
Enjoying the sacredness of sound. 
Creating memories with special friends.
Taking adventures and wanting it to never end.
Kandi Blaze Cooper 2016

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