Sunday, May 29, 2016

Today I Remembered

For some reason I can't quit drawing these little skully-skeleton doodles and putting words to them. It's like the soul speaks and I have to release it on paper. - Kandi 

Comfort from your arms. 
Hope from your words. 
Love from your eyes.
Today my soul remembered you.
Strength from your heart.
Pride from your passion.
Kindness from your caress.
Today my soul remembered you.
© Kandi Blaze Cooper

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Disproportioned Lines

Drawing & poem by Kandi Blaze.  Coloring by Barbara Barnes
Because I've always been that weird chick that writes poetry, lyrics, and little oddities. Lately the pen bleeds onto the paper with scribbled lines such as this and then words follow. Thanks for letting me share my soul with all of you. :) ~ Kandi 

'Disproportioned lines' 
Disproportionately chaotic in a world bruised and broken.
Baring her heart she offers her love as a desperate token.
A lost soul no longer bound to this earthly ground. 
Free from the chains of the corrupt industrial compounds.
Hope and laughter she'll sing from her tattered and torn chords. 
She challenges Death to a final game on the chessboard.
Her brain a train wreck of fears of losing herself in the destructive derail.
Once again she'll rise from the ashes so she can live and prevail.
© Kandi Blaze Cooper

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Would you accept me if I was broken?
Forget my flaws and know I may not grow old?
What if I told you I was beaten with battles of my own.
How would you feel if I didn't have this affliction?
You see my inner beauty, my scars that bare all. 
Will you lie here and be imperfect with me through it all?
You see my light in the darkness and my demons within.
Can you be the tame for this devil heathen?
Can you heal and love the woman I have become?
© Kandi Blaze Cooper 

Monday, May 16, 2016

A Taste of my Soul

Grandmother Cooper's most loved and well used cookbook speaks from the shelves. Her spirit calls me to turn the stained pages from her once floured and buttered hands. I flip through and see her check marks as I read her little notes and adjustments. Accompanying her script writing is mine from some of the recipes I've tried and adjusted too. The cover itself tells a story of the tastiest pages awaiting inside. 

An empty wine bottle that was first a gift of homemade honeymead now holds freshly cut flowers from the beds of a place where I lay my head at night. Their colors are vivid with hearts that bleed and bells that sing.  I tend to the blooming beauties adorning the cozy house that boasts picture perfect porches.

Kitchen cupboards show my presence with eclectic vintage dishes and gourmet gadgets.  I put my apron on and begin scanning the ingredients I have available. My mind races as I think of creations that will tantalize tastebuds and bring a smile to the receiver of my labor.  There is always a recipe that will speak to me from my grandmothers book, so I listen and wait for her spirit to move me.

Creation begins and I find my solace in the magic of this old art. I mix, taste, chill, and roll out the from scratch sugar cookie dough. My personality is expressed in the choice of cookie cutter I recently purchased at an old general store.  The stones I've selected to bake on give me even heat for the desired golden edges. After the cookies have cooled I whip up a batch of frosting with a blend of sugars, milk, and shortening. A little piece of my soul and a reflection of my life is displayed and now ready to be devoured and consumed by an eager and hungry smile.

© Kandi Blaze Cooper 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

Hot Rod Life is In your DNA

The hot rod life chooses you, you don't get to choose the hot rod life. Building cars is either in your blood or it's not. It's a passion no matter how rough the day, how hard the job, or how ungrateful someone else is at the amount of work these beauties require. Despite the aggravation you encounter, you can't say no and you can't walk away. It grabs you by the heart and pulls you in. ~ Kandi

Friday, May 6, 2016

Blaze for President 2016

For President

The Watchers

'The Watchers'

Release my wrath until I've had my toll.
Darkness enshrouds my mortal soul.
Embrace the demon I've become today.
Let my light drift and fade away.

What have I become?
I feel I'm the only one.
Life has taken another breath.
No justice in this death.

Call upon the watchers tonight.
Soaring through the sky in their flight.
Stones crumble to the ground below.
Perched creatures swoop down low.

Can you feel the pain?
It's transforming again.
Watch my wings spread.
I'm hungry and need fed.

Unleash the winged and restless beast.
Tonight I accompany the deceased.
Give oath to the mighty vanguard. 
Honor the guardians of the graveyard.

© Kandi Blaze Cooper