Sunday, May 22, 2016

Disproportioned Lines

Drawing & poem by Kandi Blaze.  Coloring by Barbara Barnes
Because I've always been that weird chick that writes poetry, lyrics, and little oddities. Lately the pen bleeds onto the paper with scribbled lines such as this and then words follow. Thanks for letting me share my soul with all of you. :) ~ Kandi 

'Disproportioned lines' 
Disproportionately chaotic in a world bruised and broken.
Baring her heart she offers her love as a desperate token.
A lost soul no longer bound to this earthly ground. 
Free from the chains of the corrupt industrial compounds.
Hope and laughter she'll sing from her tattered and torn chords. 
She challenges Death to a final game on the chessboard.
Her brain a train wreck of fears of losing herself in the destructive derail.
Once again she'll rise from the ashes so she can live and prevail.
© Kandi Blaze Cooper

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