Monday, May 16, 2016

A Taste of my Soul

Grandmother Cooper's most loved and well used cookbook speaks from the shelves. Her spirit calls me to turn the stained pages from her once floured and buttered hands. I flip through and see her check marks as I read her little notes and adjustments. Accompanying her script writing is mine from some of the recipes I've tried and adjusted too. The cover itself tells a story of the tastiest pages awaiting inside. 

An empty wine bottle that was first a gift of homemade honeymead now holds freshly cut flowers from the beds of a place where I lay my head at night. Their colors are vivid with hearts that bleed and bells that sing.  I tend to the blooming beauties adorning the cozy house that boasts picture perfect porches.

Kitchen cupboards show my presence with eclectic vintage dishes and gourmet gadgets.  I put my apron on and begin scanning the ingredients I have available. My mind races as I think of creations that will tantalize tastebuds and bring a smile to the receiver of my labor.  There is always a recipe that will speak to me from my grandmothers book, so I listen and wait for her spirit to move me.

Creation begins and I find my solace in the magic of this old art. I mix, taste, chill, and roll out the from scratch sugar cookie dough. My personality is expressed in the choice of cookie cutter I recently purchased at an old general store.  The stones I've selected to bake on give me even heat for the desired golden edges. After the cookies have cooled I whip up a batch of frosting with a blend of sugars, milk, and shortening. A little piece of my soul and a reflection of my life is displayed and now ready to be devoured and consumed by an eager and hungry smile.

© Kandi Blaze Cooper 2016

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