Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Kandi's Kustoms 3rd Annual Cruise In Raises $1,000!

View a variety of images that day by visiting our Facebook album:

September 11th is a day that will forever be embedded in the minds and hearts of many Americans. I had asked the guys at the fire station what day worked best for them for the 3rd annual Kandi's Kustoms Cruise In for 2016. The day they lost their fellow brothers was the day they chose, so I abided.

At 11am the cruise in kicked off to benefit the Ashland Fire - Local 1386 in Ashland, OH. Capt. Rob McCrea and myself, along with the retired firehouse dalmatian, Kelly, made the epic entrance into the cruise in on the restored 1928 Seagrave Firetruck, one of Ashland's oldest trucks that is still maintained an used for parades and events such as this. Of course I couldn't resist ringing that old fire bell as we pulled in!  Ashland Fire also brought down the large Tower 50 ladder truck and extended the ladder to fly the beautifully large old glory. The red, white, and blue waved mighty in the wind and shown brightly throughout the day's events.  A surprise visit from the historical society accompanied the day, as they drove the retired 1946 Seagrave Firetruck down and parked by Tower 50. It was a view that none of the spectators would forget.

At noon we announced the national anthem and the entire crowd of attendees, veterans, firefighters, gear heads, and children alike, respectfully stood in silence as we all faced the American flag flying from Tower 50. We followed with a moment of silence in honor of the bravery and lives lost on Sept. 11th, 2001. It was hard to believe 15 years had passed by so quickly.

Cars and car clubs alike continued to roll into the parking lot throughout the day at the Eagles Club, where we had scheduled this years cruise in in advance.  This year we teamed up with the Rebel Rousers Car Club and made a three day weekend with a pre-party on Friday night, the Rebel Rousers Rumble on Saturday at the old Ashland Armory, and the Kandi's Kustoms Cruise In on Sunday. Gear heads, car kulture clubs, and hot rod enthusiasts came from all over for the three day event that was labeled the, "Rods, Broads, and Heroes" weekend. All the proceeds from the Rebel Rousers Rumble went to benefit local veterans.  Proceeds from the Kandi's Kustoms cruise in benefited the Ashland Fire - Local 1386.

A "Lil' Miss Blaze" contest was held for ladies ages 4-14. Young ladies dressed in their rebel rockabilly or princess pin up best for a chance at the first annual crown. It was a close call, but the youngest of them all won the hearts of the crowd over and was crowned the 1st Annual Lil' Miss Blaze. Eleanor proudly wore her crown for the rest of the day and enjoyed having her picture taken on the antique fire truck with me and Kelly. Such a sweet girl, and little Eleanor never tired of walking around and looking at cars. Runner up was Mikayla Whiles. Each girl received a red rose and a huge thank you for participating.

Trophies this year were absolutely amazing! The most sought after trophy is the custom metal forged "Fire Fighters Choice" award. Local artisan, Gary Dreibelbis, did the design and custom metal forging of the fire truck. Thomas Thompson, co-owner, painter, and main tech at Kandi's Kustoms painted the truck, and Matt Lamborn applied the finishing touches with his incredible Pinstriping skills. Matt also did the gold leaf and pinstripes on the antique Seagrave. John McGlynn, stole the hearts of the attending firefighters with his customized 1929 Model A hot rod. He was also awarded the Kids Choice trophy.

My "Kandi's Pick" trophy consisted of a highly customized paint can that was stuffed full of fresh roses and candy... Of course! Mr. Daugherty, a local veteran with his beautifully done and patriotic 1968 Chevy Camaro would steal my heart for the win!

Since I had created a trophy for the Rebel Rousers Rumble, the car club showed up with a Rebels pick! Their choice nearly brought me to tears. They presented the 1928 antique Seagrave from Ashland Fire with their pick. There's a huge story hidden in here that's waiting to burst out! The emotional connection between the Sidle family, this truck, and the firefighters runs deep, and it was felt by the crowd yesterday when the Rebel Rousers pick was handed to Capt. McCrea and an appointed car club member gave a short explanation of why. My heart melted and it was accompanied by a round of applause from attendees and spectators alike.

A total of 68 vehicles registered for the 3rd annual Kandi's Kustoms Cruise In. There were a few more that joined the festivities but didn't register. Today I took down all the funds raised from the Kandi's Kustoms cruise in to the fire station and presented $1,065 to the Ashland Fire - Local 1386.

I couldn't have done it without all the donated door prizes from local business and individuals, along with an additional cash donation from the Rebel Rousers Car Club.

By the end of the day, I had handed out nearly all the freshly cut yellow roses to local veterans as I offered them a hug and thanked them for all they had done on our home turf and overseas.  Attending firefighters were given red roses and thanked for their services on the home front and locally. These brave men and women are our hometown heroes and this is what my cruise in and the three day Rods, Broads, and Heroes weekend is all about!

Images are gathered from a variety of individuals and photographers. Please tag, share, and post your pics from the 3 day weekend. Add a link in the comments if it's your business, car club, or you see yourself or someone you know.

Thank you to everyone for making this years the best success yet! Can't wait until 2017!!

Kandi 'Blaze' Cooper
Shop Manager & Co-Owner
Kandi's Kustoms Hot Rod & Restoration Shop

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