Wednesday, January 9, 2019

A Passion Worth Fighting For

Kandi at Kandi’s Kustoms Hot Rod Shop
in her fire suit ready for 2019.
Many of you have heard the story a thousand times over of how I got my start in the hot rod industry and my spark of life (time of conception) at a racetrack. It’s hard to believe that several months ago, I almost gave up the very passion that drives me harder than anything, pushes me beyond measure, and has been a lifelong dream since I was in diapers.

It’s true. My health had been declining with every passing month, I couldn’t work as hard, or somedays at all on the machines that I so desperately loved. I started feeling like maybe, just maybe it was time for me to retire from the hot rod shop all together and focus on something else. Perhaps if I couldn’t be fully hands on, then maybe my place wasn’t building hot rods. I didn’t know what I wanted. The brain fogs of the rheumatoid arthritis and the heart acting up we’re causing such issues that I couldn’t focus, and I couldn’t remember a damn thing from one minute to the next.  I was stressed, losing hope, and I found myself contemplating the hot rod shop without me altogether. I seemed to be falling into a dark abyss with everything life was tossing my way.

Data is key to fixing. Round 2 of
heart monitoring 24/7 for 30 days.
Hope. Hope can take away everything when you lose it. Hope can also bring a ray of light in an unraveling situation. The strong and supportive relationship I have with my husband gave me hope with my health, and a proposal to marriage provided me with medical coverage to gain more answers and procedures that provide even more hope at a longer, healthier, and better functioning life. My kind and loving husband, Rob, has truly been a hero in more ways than he will ever understand. He’s given me the world to share with him. 

Like a light switch, it was an action and an event that took place at the hot rod shop one day. I found myself extremely defensive, nearly coddling the shop from harm like you would your child. I was infuriated at the potential of a situation and was standing my ground for the shop and every single person on the team. Not only did I see my passion was truly not lost, but my team also saw the fire burning in my eyes brighter than it had in a long time. Ever since that day, I’ve found myself pushing once again. It’s my dream, and I’ll die doing what I love, because it makes me truly happy in my soul. Let’s be honest, what the hell else would I do that wasn’t based around hot rods and antique machinery? I’d be miserable! 

You are the fire. Burn bright.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Hello Once Again

Kandi Blaze & Capt Rob McCrea
Image by Frazees Photostash
 Life has changed in so many ways since I last visited my blog. Writing was placed on the back burner as I witnessed the birth of my first grand baby, married my best friend, watched my pinstriping mentor and dear friend be placed in the earth. I gained new friends, closed the door on others, and began listening to my heart once more.

2019 will undoubtedly bring its challenges, but with that comes goals, adventures, and a variety of incredible news and upcoming events.

I started the year off with a new and improved heart monitor to get this suspected electrical issue worked out. My quality of life has regressed rather drastically with my heart the last twelve to sixteen months, but a new cardiologist that is seeking all the data we can get is where we start. We know of several of the current issues, and with a little more understanding and a lot more data, we might be able to progress with my health, or at least the heart, and then focus on the immune and rheumatoid arthritis. There is hope. Rob has given me so much hope at a healthier future.
image by Johnboy Ulman - Dragway 42

The first day of 2019 started out with the annual Dragway 42 Hangover Nationals! No better way to start the year than with drag racing in Ohio! It was a cold one at approx 36° for the high,  turnover no where near the bitterness of last years with a high of 4°.

Kandi’s Kustoms Hot Rod Shop had the honor of making the class trophies for the event. They were a huge hit among racers and spectators alike.

I hope this year to be able to dedicate a little more time to my writing, while enjoying other opportunities like cohosting and emceeing events across several states. Among other things, there will be more time at the track with the Nova having a big block transplant done and in the final stages of prepping for her new paint.

Last but not least, stay tuned for additional writings here, in Wicked Women Magazine, and in many other places.
