Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Day 1 - Let's Do This!!

Day 1
Today is the day I get all hooked up for the next 30 days with a live feed EKG on my heart.
On one hand I am grateful for the answers, as I've had a heart attack at 28 (nearly a decade ago), and recently I've had some pretty bad bouts of what seem to be electrical issues that spiral into much more.  My life has literally been altered the last few months because of complications. My cardiologist felt this was a life altering situation I'm in, and we need to get it figured out and under wraps as soon as possible. We've exhausted all other options and testing. So today, my next journey begins. It's going to be a pain to wear these wires and monitors. It's going to annoy the shit out of me and make me feel like I'm going crazy. But I know it's a medical necessity, and we need these answers to move forward with treatment or a procedure. Today, I am full of anxiety, a little scared of what we will eventually find, and honestly I'm just freaking out internally.  But, like everyday, I've been trying to keep my cool.

I've decided to do a daily blog for the next 30 days to write about it so I don't lose my sanity. It's something.  I also know my dark sense of humor and incorrigible behavior will undoubtedly take over. It's always my coping mechanism when shit gets deep.

So far I'm about 6 hours in and I'm managing to hook the two communicating/reporting devices up to my clothing without dropping them in the toilet when Mother Nature calls. I've pulled the wires by accident multiple times... I'm not looking forward to bedtime, for reasons I shall not mention here. Yet. Ha!

  ~ Kandi


  1. what i want to know is how are you going to shower with it on? :)

    1. I get to take it off for up to one hour a day, and that's to shower. lol
