Monday, September 18, 2017

Night 12: Making Jokes & Finding Inspiration

What is the extra bright green, alien looking light flashing throughout the night? Is it a ufo? Are we being abducted?  Let's hide under the sheets!!!  Wait….  Why is the flashing, green glow now uber bright under here?!?! Beep! Beeeeeep!

Ok, so maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. It's more of a pain in the arse, but getting used to the beeping throughout the night if my heart is doing weird things. The wires get in the way of many, if not all things… Yes, that too. But that doesn't stop us!!!

Here is the reality, things are driving me crazy, but I try to have perspective. I met a gal a couple years back in Michigan during the Metro Cruise. Something was different about her and I noticed later she had a colostomy bag. After becoming Facebook acquaintances and friends, I became familiar with her battle with VEDs (Vascular Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, is an autosomal dominant disease that affects the arteries, bowels, uterus, and skin). She likely doesn't know it, but she's an inspiration to me. On my worst days, I think of her daily struggles, what it must be like to live with this horrific disease. I can't imagine what her body and mind must go through.

I think I can take my 30 days and deal. Not saying I won't have my small meltdowns and temporary loss of sanity from all these wires and devices. But before I know it the wires will be gone.

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