Tuesday, October 31, 2017

A Dragstrip Dream

I have literally waited my whole life for this! Those of you that know my story know that  in the summer of 1979 I was conceived at the original Dragway 42. By the time I was four years old I was taking my wood blocks and making hot rod shops and drag strips out of them.  I would race my hot wheels cars on the dragstrip, and put them in my wood block garage so I could fix them. Couple years later I started steeling my mom's nail polishes so I could make SS stripes and cool additions onto the cars. Couple more years later and I got to restore my first banana seat bike. My dad taught me how to take it from the ugly and rusted yellow paint, and I prepared it so he could make it hot pink. I was a track baby. Born a gearhead. The one thing I always dreamed about when I was a little girl up at the track, was that one day I would have my very own hot rod shop, and one day my hot rod shop would be seen at the dragstrip. Here I am. ~ Kandi

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Your Own Worst Enemy

I could sit here and list a million things that are physically and mentally bothering me today. Trying not to get lost in the pains that I can't describe. As a writer, if I can't be descriptive, it has no meaning, as the reader can't understand and see my angle. I fail.

That's been my biggest hurdle lately, failing. I feel like I have so many visions and dreams, yet I can't get out of this day, this week, this month. I can't see past the next five minutes, and so i find myself clicking keys in front of me just to make sure it passes. I have to keep my mind occupied every mother fucking second today or it becomes my worst enemy.

That's what some can't wrap their head around. How weeks or months can go by with so much joy, happiness, laughter, and a heart filled with love. All the while, one moment, one day, or even a week can be nothing but hurt, fear, pain, sorrow, and the worst for me personally; hopelessness. That's when it all goes dark. When the fears and reality of my current limitations and strength (both physically and emotionally) are at their weakest. It makes it feel and seem like everything is working against me.

I haven't the strength to do my normal job, and no longer the youth the be the pretty and preppy face. Slowly, I am losing my identity. My pin up dresses and pretty shoes dwindle as my bones and joints no longer allow a few hours in them, let alone days on end. I miss it so incredibly much. The dirty auto body tech struggles to simply pull clips with needle nose pliers. I've lost my purpose at the shop. And my RA fog makes it difficult to recall much of anything at times, including years of familiarity.

I'm thirty-seven years old and can't believe I've made it this far with the past medical battles. But for the love of all existence, I can not bare any more physical and emotional pain. I feel as though I'm losing myself in every aspect. Forty never seemed attainable to me, and I've been told multiple times I'd be lucky to make it that long with my history and other long term affects. I used to laugh because I had so much energy and felt on top of the world. I was going to blow their minds and live to be old, ripe, and ornery as fuck! Then days/weeks like today come, when the feeling of having no purpose and extreme physical limitations take over. You don't know how you'll snap back, or if you'll snap back. You just have to hope it passes so the blessings seem stronger than the pain.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Night 12: Making Jokes & Finding Inspiration

What is the extra bright green, alien looking light flashing throughout the night? Is it a ufo? Are we being abducted?  Let's hide under the sheets!!!  Wait….  Why is the flashing, green glow now uber bright under here?!?! Beep! Beeeeeep!

Ok, so maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. It's more of a pain in the arse, but getting used to the beeping throughout the night if my heart is doing weird things. The wires get in the way of many, if not all things… Yes, that too. But that doesn't stop us!!!

Here is the reality, things are driving me crazy, but I try to have perspective. I met a gal a couple years back in Michigan during the Metro Cruise. Something was different about her and I noticed later she had a colostomy bag. After becoming Facebook acquaintances and friends, I became familiar with her battle with VEDs (Vascular Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, is an autosomal dominant disease that affects the arteries, bowels, uterus, and skin). She likely doesn't know it, but she's an inspiration to me. On my worst days, I think of her daily struggles, what it must be like to live with this horrific disease. I can't imagine what her body and mind must go through.

I think I can take my 30 days and deal. Not saying I won't have my small meltdowns and temporary loss of sanity from all these wires and devices. But before I know it the wires will be gone.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Day 6: Thankful for the Good, as the Bad is Ugly

Day 6
I guess it's pretty simple. I have to be thankful for the good days that are so damn good you forget your body attacks itself. The good times and laughter that make me forget to keep up with a daily blog on this.

Who was I kidding anyway? A daily blog? Like I could seriously commit to that. Anytime I end up telling myself I will commit daily or weekly to something, I find myself dreading it.  I want to do it/this on my own damn time and at my own damn pace.

Obviously my mood today is one for the books. Luckily there has been much good the last several days to help refocus away from my normal medical and immune battles, let alone these wires, and pads, and communicating devices that are taking a tole on my sanity.

Saturday was great! Spent it at the Rumble around my favorite things; hot rods. That night we ended up having a very spontaneous gathering and fire at the house with our highway Hellions family.

Sunday I pushed myself. Rob had signed up for the annual Stephen Siller Tunnel To Towers Run 5K!!!!! Firefighters in their turnout gear running, jogging, and walking for the cause. And this gal that was once in a wheel chair and currently wearing a heart monitor couldn't say no to walking beside my guy in his Firefighter turnout gear. All I could think was if these guys were doing this, then the best way to show my support was to get out there and do it too. I felt almost indestructible that morning during the 5K. Despite my bone and immune issues, let alone the heart crap. But I am not indestructible and I am most definitely not immortal.

Later Sunday afternoon it began. I couldn't even get a ten minute break from my heart going into exhausting PVC’s, blood pressure drops, fluttering, and all other sorts of wonderful feelings. Of course, my physical self was beyond pissed and all those hairline fractures in my back began to remind me of why I don't push as hard as I used to. Then the rheumatism began. I pretty much became a rag doll the remainder of the day.

Monday morning came along and I was running on about three hours of sleep. Not by choice, just how my body sometimes responds to my immune issues. None the less, I was up unusually early and had hoped to be at work at a decent time. A little behind after finagling with this heart monitor and wires. I noticed by my skin was starting to get sensitive. Extra sensitive is more like it. Likely from my immune system attacking it's self. I had hoped by Tuesday morning things would settle down a bit.

Tuesday morning, today arrives. I'm tied. I maybe got another three hours of sleep. My body decided it was going to sweat last night, and more fluids than I've likely taken in the past two days. I woke up dehydrated, wires stuck to my skin and damn near imbedded. I had to pull them off of me. Started to pull the ekg pads off and noticed it hurt like crazy. Got one off to discover about 15-20 micro sized blisters underneath the pad. I move them around every time I change. But I can't help wonder with all the sweating I did in my ‘sleep’ last night if that didn't play a role.

Today has been one of those days. If it could go wrong, it's going to. Health, both physical and mental is nearing its breaking point today. I'm sitting here at work forcing myself to type this all out so I don't literally start bawling at the amount of pain I am in with my body and in my head. Ive been on light duty too long and feel I'm not contributing where needed at work. I feel like my team members see me as a waste of space or just a bitch boss in the way. I want to jump in and work the metal, operate the welder, and put my weight into the build. And here is sit. Doing a little wax on a car, running the sweeper (when I can I can) or just doing some freehand pinstriping is about all I'm capable of at the moment. I don't know when it will change, or if it will even change.

I'm so pissed at the world right now. Not really, but that's how it feels. I feel my heart doing all these weird things, daily, sometimes constantly, and I'm pissed! I'm pissed we struggling detecting them. I'm pissed that this live feed hasn't called me and told me to get my ass in immediately. I'm pissed that almost every day of my fucking life since I was a kid has been a battle medically. Here I am, nearly 40 years old. A survivor of two cancers, a heart attack at 28, multiple baby losses, medical after medical battles, loss after loss.. and for what? To battle again and again? To have to go through procedure after procedure, test after test, diagnose after diagnose. I am tired. I am drained. I am struggling more than anyone knows. I try to put it into words sometime and I just stop because I feel like I'm a broken record on repeat. Eventually those around me while get tired of hearing it and like a broken record, I too will be disregarded. That's what happens when people feel helpless. Thy finally give up on the ones they once loved, because they don't know what to do or how to help.

Today. I hate life. Tomorrow will hopefully be better and I know better days happen and they come and they bring much needed smiles and laughter. But today. Today is my worst enemy. Today my darkness can't find the light. Today I am tired, and not in a physical manner. I am utterly exhausted with life, work, people, expectations of myself and others. I just want to close my eyes and the rest of everything that exists be a mute point.

Today, is one of those days that nothing helps. I feel rage, I feel hate, I feel hopeless, helpless, lost, and like the biggest burden to those around me. Life and people have a way of kicking you when your down sometimes. I've been kicked and beaten more than I can take today. It's just too much.

Friday, September 8, 2017

The Majestic Seagrave

Here she sits in my hot rod shop. Majestic! The 1928 Seagrave fire truck in front of the Kandi's Kustoms banner, with my Highway Hellions car club patch jacket hanging on the ladder.

This beautiful piece of antique automotive history also holds an incredible amount of sentimental value to many locals, including myself, but especially firefighters and their families. Once again, I am extremely honored to volunteer my time to clean and detail this phenomenal machine and ready her for the Rebel Rousers Rumble this weekend at the old Ashland Armory.

My love goes deep for the history of firefighters, especially with my dad, Ken Cooper (1942-2009) and my brother, Jeff Cooper, both whom served on the Polk Fire Dept many moons ago. And now, for nearly 2 years, I have lived with and been the companion and life partner to an incredible firefighter, Rob McCrea.
I'm humbled to have known these men and been a part of all their lives. They are my heroes! ❤️🔥🚒
Earlier this year I had the privilege of writing an article for the Ashland Times-Gazette on this 1928 Seagrave Firetruck from the Ashland Fire Local 1386.
Here is the link to my article in the TG if you'd like learn more about the Seagrave.

Day 2 - The good, the bad, HOT RODS!

This cool, breezy, gray, fall like weather, is my absolute favorite. I love sweatshirt weather and the changing colors. The dampness hates me, but I love Autumn. I move a little slower on days like today with my RA, but I have so much to do and look forward to through the day.

The day started off with several pain patches on my neck and back, while trying to work a bra through multiple wires. Ha! So much excess!!!  Wires. Excess wires. They seem to flow everywhere and I try to keep them tucked in my pants… Again, I'm referring to the wires. I don't know what else to do with the excess wires dangling several inches below my shirt, and I can't get it caught on something at work, so that's what I do with them. And I try not to let the separate communication device fall in the toilet. It's firmly attached to my belt.

Moving on… Spent most the day cleaning the local antique fire truck for the upcoming car show this weekend. We went and picked up a 1947 Plymouth -Special Deluxe, because life is short and my motto is: hot rods!

Oh, I almost forgot! The bright green light that flashes every three seconds on the device with the wires is really bright when the room is pitch black. Later tonight I was thankful for the long wires as it was hidden underneath my pillow.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Day 1 - Let's Do This!!

Day 1
Today is the day I get all hooked up for the next 30 days with a live feed EKG on my heart.
On one hand I am grateful for the answers, as I've had a heart attack at 28 (nearly a decade ago), and recently I've had some pretty bad bouts of what seem to be electrical issues that spiral into much more.  My life has literally been altered the last few months because of complications. My cardiologist felt this was a life altering situation I'm in, and we need to get it figured out and under wraps as soon as possible. We've exhausted all other options and testing. So today, my next journey begins. It's going to be a pain to wear these wires and monitors. It's going to annoy the shit out of me and make me feel like I'm going crazy. But I know it's a medical necessity, and we need these answers to move forward with treatment or a procedure. Today, I am full of anxiety, a little scared of what we will eventually find, and honestly I'm just freaking out internally.  But, like everyday, I've been trying to keep my cool.

I've decided to do a daily blog for the next 30 days to write about it so I don't lose my sanity. It's something.  I also know my dark sense of humor and incorrigible behavior will undoubtedly take over. It's always my coping mechanism when shit gets deep.

So far I'm about 6 hours in and I'm managing to hook the two communicating/reporting devices up to my clothing without dropping them in the toilet when Mother Nature calls. I've pulled the wires by accident multiple times... I'm not looking forward to bedtime, for reasons I shall not mention here. Yet. Ha!

  ~ Kandi

Friday, February 3, 2017

Car Kulture Continues

Valentine's Day is bittersweet for me, as it's the anniversary of my fathers death in 2009. I give much if my automotive roots to my dad, Ken Cooper (1942-2009). Coop, as many knew him by, loved car kulture! He enjoyed installing some wild mod tops back in the day. He also enjoyed the art of lacing on vehicles, smoke patterns imbedded in dashes with an old torch, metal flake, pin striping, and the list goes on. I don't think there was anything he couldn't build or customize.

The past couple of years I've rekindled my love for the kulture as well. The art and expression individuals display with their iconic hot rods and muscle cars intrigues me beyond measure. I find it beautifully reflective of ones personality.  I've felt that way since I was a kid, and without my moms knowledge or permission, i would borrow her nail polishes so I could add stripes on the hoods and sides of my HotWheels cars.

Those that know my style see the kulture tribute in a recent build. And yet I'm still craving to learn one art that Dad would do, but I want to go above and beyond.  His shop chair would often have me sitting and spinning in it, or I'd be rolling around on the creeper when he needed me to stay clear.  When his pinstriping brushes came out, I would slowly roll towards him and watch in awe. Silence would take over the garage as he crouched down, leaned in, and braced his hand with the other. Often he'd have a big stogie hanging out of his mouth while he puffed away and begin his art of intertwined painted lines.

There were one or two times my dad would let me touch his pinstriping brushes and it was with careful guidance and a close eye. He treated them like tiny treasures that were irreplaceable if I went against the grain. I get it now.

One of his last remaining and well used brushes popped up in the hot rod shop the other day. It was a heartwarming reminder of time spent with him and his variety of automotive skills. I held the wooden handled brush in my fingers and rubbed the worn areas from years of use. A smile came over my face and ideas of what I would like to do with pinstriping rushed through my mind. Every once in a while when something like this happens, I can't help but feel that it's Dad letting me know his energy is still around, and though he's gone, he is still pushing me to follow my heart and pursue my dreams. Learning to pinstripe and letter has always been one of them. Thanks for the friendly nudge and reminder, Dad.

Kandi Blaze Cooper

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Kandi's Event Schedule 2017

As I began the drive home this evening, I took notice that the sun was setting just a tad bit later in the evening. Since the Winter Solstice, the days are now growing longer, and so we begin to approach the upcoming Spring & Summer months that we as gear heads and car enthusiasts crave and dream about.
Yes, car season is fast approaching. I can already hear the sounds echoing through garages as engines are tuned and the preparations begin for shows, dream cruises, and of course, racing. I even find myself spending more time than usual in the hot rod shop, working late hours, fixing bugs on common issues during an overhaul or mod-resto, and making sure she runs smoothly. Maybe on occasion I crack the garage door open, crank the Nova over, bring the rpms up a bit, and simply sit there and enjoy the build and dream of upcoming adventures. My senses are pleased with the site in front of me, the sound rumbling through the shop walls, and the smell of one badass street machine.
With all that being said, it’s time we released dates and scheduled events for those fantastic months! This year my schedule has filled very quickly with a variety of guest appearances, co-hosting, mc work, vendor spots, sponsorships, judging, and even some automotive classes and demonstrations. I still have a few available dates if you’d like to have me attend your event. Please feel free to message me or shoot an email to kandiblaze@yahoo.com and we can discuss details.
Below is an updated list as of 1/22/2017 of shows, dates, and information pertaining to Kandi Blaze’s scheduled events and appearances:
* February 11th & 12th: Chazziz DJ Service 8th Annual Indoor VALENTINE’S DAY Car Show at Roberts Centre in Wilmington, OH. Kandi will be a featured guest and mc, along with the official unveiling of the ‘Atomic Fireball’, the 72 Chevy Nova – full off the subframe mod-resto. There will also be a Kandi's Kustoms llc Hot Rod Shop vendors booth and Taz from the Sketch Pad will be there too! Kandi will be bringing her choice award for one lucky registered attendee. To view the official show/event details, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/chazziz/
* March 17th, 18th, and 19th: Summit Racing Equipment I-X Piston Powered Auto - Rama in Cleveland, OH. Kandi will be located in the Concourse area (lower level) in spot 2611 with the ‘Atomic Fireball’, the 72 Chevy Nova – full off the subframe mod-resto. Red Vixen pinup model with Pretties for Pitties, a non-profit organization, will also be in the Concourse area. To view the official show/event details, please visit: http://www.pistonpowershow.com/
* April 1st: Kandi’s Annual Birthday Bash. Location to be announced.
* June 3rd: TRADITION Rod & Kustom Show at Quaker Steak & Lube in Milford, OH. Show is put on by Taz from The Sketch Pad. Kandi will be a guest MC, pin up judge, and have a Kandi’s Kustoms llc vendors booth on site with the ‘Atomic Fireball’, the 72 Chevy Nova – full off the subframe mod-resto. Kandi’s Kustoms hot rod shop will also be sponsoring a trophy and Kandi will bring one of her special choice awards too! To view the official show/event details, please visit:https://www.facebook.com/events/711044592395878/
* June 23rd & 24th: Highway Hellions Bootleggers Bash at Lake Wapusun Campground in Shreve, OH. Kandi will be there assisting with multiple aspects of this two event, including the Pin Up contest to announce the next Ms Bootlegger. Kandi’s Kustoms llc will also be a sponsor , have a vendor booth onsite, and Kandi will bring a choice award. To view the official show/event details, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/1186962474755710/
* July 8th: Ashland Downtown Dream Cruise and Car Show on Main Street in Ashland, OH. Kandi will be at this annual show in her hometown showing and accompanying a variety of vehicles done by Kandi’s Kustoms llc. Kandi’s Kustoms will also help sponsor a couple of trophies that Kandi will hand out. To visit the official show/event details, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/Ashland-Downtown-Dream-Cruise-and…/
* July 22nd: 4th Annual Kandi's Kustoms HOT ROD SHOP Cruise In for the Ashland Fire- Local 1386. This years event will be located at Kandi’s Kustoms llc – 500 Virginia Ave., Ashland, OH. Kandi hosts her hot rod shops annual event every year. This year the event will be held at the shop, have music, a Lil Miss Blaze contest and tons more! To view the official show/event details, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/235612956881890/
* July 29th: 7th Annual Piston Jammers C.C PANTY RAID in Lambertville, MI. Kandi will be there assisting with the Miss Panty Raid 2017 Pin Up contest. Kandi’s Kustoms llc Hot Rod & Restoration Shop is a proud sponsor and will also have a booth onsite. Kandi will be presenting her choice award. This is a one-of-a-kind show of epic proportions. Red Vixen & Pretties for Pitties will be onsite and is a proud sponsor too! To visit the official show/event details, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/1633735249973657/
List will be updated accordingly. Stay tuned!!!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Chevy Nova with a Custom Kandi Blaze Red

We've given you sneak peaks of the 1972 Nova on multiple live feeds but for those of you asking, here is a video from about 2 weeks ago before the chrome reassembly began. Please note that video and images do not do this incredible ride any true justice!
Kandi Blaze Red - a custom quad color designed by Kandi with metal flake and pearl overlay. Adorned with painted SS stripes and airbrushed flames.
This 14 month, off the sub-frame modresto by Kandi's Kustoms LLC is now in the final stages of reassembly. The exterior is now finished and we are beginning the installation of interior trim today and next week.
Lead Body Tech - Kandi Blaze & Rob McCrea
Refinishing - Kandi Blaze
 Painter - Thomas Thompson
Airbrush Artist (flames) - Taz from The Sketch Pad
Special thanks to Jenna Krupar and Cheyenne Johnson for their help during teardown and the initial start on the body.
"It takes a team to build a dream!" ~ Kandi Blaze
Official unveiling takes place during Valentine's Weekend at the 8th Annual Valentine's Car Show in Wilmington, OH put on by Chazziz DJ Service. Kandi is a guest feature at the event and will be unleashing this beautiful Atomic Fireball to the public!
Become a fan of Kandi's Kustoms Hot Rod & Restoration Shop: www.facebook.com/KandisKustoms

The Loss of an Automotive Legend

It was two years ago at the 28th Street Metro Cruise outside of Grand Rapids, Michigan that I met the man that was one of my biggest inspirations and car idles since I was a small child.  Pete Chapouris, also known as the 'California Kid', was a legend and name I was highly familiar with growing up.

My dad, Ken Cooper (1942-2009), paved the way for my gear head lifestyle, but it was meeting Pete Chapouris in 2015 that to this day takes the cake for highlights in my career as a hot rod builder.

In August of 2015, Chapouris and I were being interviewed by a local Grand Rapids, MI news team before the opening of the Metro Cruise.  I kept catching Chapouris looking over at the featured ride we had taken to represent my hot rod shop.  It was a highly customized 1947 Cadillac and it captured the eye of many attendee, including Chapouris.

I had been a featured guest at the cruise and brought in to represent my shop and help judge a pin up contest.  After a long but exciting day of meeting people from all over the country, I finally got the nerve up to walk over to Chapouris and ask for an autograph.

Maybe that doesn't sound like a big deal to most, but this was the guy I had idolized since I was a small child.  I had watched shows about his work and documentaries with my dad on some of the builds from his speed shop.  And here he was, just feet away from me!  The man that was one of my biggest inspirations.

What do I say when I get up to him?  Do I start blabbering car talk, do I even mention cars?  What does a gear head girl say to the man that has now seen her work in person and that I feel I should bow down before, as my car hands are not worthy of this hot rod guru?!?! Eeeekkk!!!!

In front of my entire hot rod shop team, I nervously introduced myself as I extended my hand out to humbly shake his.

"Hi Pete!  I'm Kandi Bl...", I couldn't finish my last name, because Chapouris jumped up from his seat and interrupted me.

"I know who you are!" Chapouris shouted! "You're Kandi Blaze!"

Before I knew it, Chapouris was not only grabbing my hand to shake it, but grabbed me as well and gave me a huge hug in front of everyone.  I felt like I was in a dream!  I recall looking back at my team to make sure they were actually witnessing this.  I knew later I would ask them repeatedly about the story and experience, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming or had died of exhaustion.

Pete gave me a few words about our 'fantastic build', as he refereed to the Cadillac.  I was in awe at the words rolling off the tongue of one of my largest inspirations as a kid, and also as an adult in this business.  I could see the look in his eye that resembled the gleam in mine.  It hit me that the legend standing in front of me was looking almost as awe struck at me as I was at him.  I didn't really have many words after that.  At least any that I could muster up, so I mostly kept smiling.  It became obvious that we were both beyond honored to meet each other.

I've had the pleasure to meet some amazing drag racers, car builders, manufacturers, and some pretty big names in this industry, but meeting Pete is still the highlight of my career.

He may have left this word, and I for one am incredibly saddened by the loss of an amazing legend. I hope I can one day live up to similar expectations of others, and one day I am someones inspiration and drive to live their dream, just like Chapouris was for me.

Kandi Blaze