Sunday, January 26, 2020

It’s Just Me... (poetry)

Kandi Blaze - image by Frazees Photo Stash

“It’s ok,” she whispered, as she invited me in, “you’ve been here before.”

I don’t recall this place, but her presence was hauntingly familiar. Confused and weary whether her intentions were benevolent or malevolent. Why do I feel so strongly to follow her? Why is the pain in my very soul of existence pulling me towards her?

I’m climbing. I can do this. Keep going. I just have to.... I just have to reach my hand out and touch her.

I’m screaming, “Why?! What is happening?”

I can’t catch my breath... It’s getting darker. My voice races, “Where are we going?! Please?? Why are you doing this?”

“To whom,” her eerily voice whispered in the darkness.

My eyes finally adjusting to a light coming from the corner and I look around. There is no one here but me. It’s just me.

©️ Kandi Blaze

This is part of an artfully done nude set I did with Frazees photo stash - Jason Frazee. I absolutely love collaborating with him and his wife, as they push and break the boundaries with their art and photography.

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