Monday, January 13, 2020

Multiplex of Specialists

I was supposed to see yet another specialist in the afternoon that’s nearly an hour and a half from home, but they scheduled for the wrong doctor. This particular one is a special-special gastroenterologist, that my oncologist referred us to.  We’re told they are supposed to be doing or discussing some form of genetic testing to see if there’s a link between my diseased pancreas and cystic fibrosis, which runs on both sides of my family.

Specialists. I despise that word. I’ve seen more specialists in the past 6 months than most see in a lifetime. Seriously. I’ve dealt with a variety of specialists before since I have a variety of immune issues and spiraling health from it.

Let’s start with my Cardiologist, that’s my heart doctor.  I see him because I deal with Afib and tachycardia. My heart likes to go out of sync, have crazy out of rhythm patterns, take long pauses, and other silly stuff. This tends to cause a sudden change in blood pressure, and a blood pressure crash, resulting in lack of oxygen, headaches, dizziness, slurred speech, and sometimes passing out. The normal medicine, beta blockers, are a no-go for me with my already insanely low BP that 3 out of 4 cardiovascular specialists have said a big NO for me on any meds for the heart with my health history and immune system.

I visit my Pulmonologist most frequently, as of now. That’s my lung doctor. Surprise! All that trouble I was having breathing and excess phlegm was diagnosed as COPD and asthma. No, that’s not fun at all.   Years in a body shop, diesel exposures as a kid, and about 18 years of my life smoking. I’m paying for it dearly, but thanks to a routine powder inhalant, an emergency inhaler, and natural breathing remedies, it’s semi-manageable, except the hacking at night. That’s annoying.  I promise you though, breathing is not overrated.

Oncologists aren’t a lot of fun either. Those are your doctors that deal with cancer. Cancer? Yeah, I’ve had both cervical and ovarian cancers at age 19, followed by a massive surgery and total hysterectomy. I was 6 months pregnant and miscarried right before I found out. I currently see another oncologist for the pancreas. Yes, the pancreas. It’s a dick. Well, at least it looks like one. Mine is extra special, just like me! Years ago my gallbladder was removed because it was in apathy, full of stones, and covered in some form of sludge like fluids. The gallbladder leads to your pancreas. My pancreas started off having acute pancreatitis, then chronic pancreatic flair ups, and now it’s diseased, calcifying, and no longer allowing me to absorb proper nutrients, breakdown enzymes, etc.... in term, all my doses of vitamin D and potassium for my heart weren’t getting absorbed. Hmm... There’s a pattern here. Eventually, if I make it long enough, it will become cancerous and be my demise.

Gastroenterologist is most definitely on the list with all my diagnosed stomach issues... Not only did I have the cancers prior but 6 years of C-diff went undetected and undiagnosed, until it wasn’t and I was almost dead.  One of the longest cases that survived though! It’s not really bragging rights.  Turns out you shouldn’t be given test antibiotics when your daughter has chicken pox and you’ve never had them yourself.  Years of my life we’re lost to big pharmaceutical companies and 28 different prescriptions, most were prescribed double and triple doses since they had deemed me ‘terminal’.  Now we are back at an extreme specialists that focuses on the pancreas aspect of gastrointestinal disorders.

Rheumatologist for the auto immune. I get one super power and my body attacks itself for fun.   How? What kind? Well... that’s what we get to find out! Supposedly all these years I’ve been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Disease, an immune disease that affects so much more than just the joints. Last rheumatologist I saw was in Dublin, OH over a decade ago, and medicine has come a little further in this department, but unfortunately not nearly as much as those of us suffering would like to see. I have an appointment in less than a week with a new Rheumatologist.

Ugggghhh! That a lot of Igst’s.

Weighted in at 94 pounds the other day at the regular doctors office. Don’t forget about the family practician! We frequent that, emergency room visits, and tons of blood work.  There is talk of some form of home health care and assistance so I can at least stay hydrated. They have talked about a possible pic line so hydration would be easier and maybe we could try some form of vitamins through the line.

To be honest, more than anything right now I just want some comfort. I want to sleep without feeling like the bed is a thousand fists with knuckles pushing and puncturing my boney body. Every night I lie down it feels like the start of a horror movie with the pain, sweats, and lots of heavy and vivid dreaming when I do fall asleep. Even on a cloud my knees protrude out enough that against myself causes pain and strain, and my arms across my ribs feel like anvils ready to crash through.

I just want to feel human again and subside the multiplex of specialists. I’m surviving, because it’s the only choice I have. ❤️


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