Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Memories at the Piston Jammers Panty Raid 2016

I had the pleasure of seeing an incredible variety of street rods, rat rods, customs, classics, and just outright badass rides at the Piston Jammers Car Club Panty Raid 2016 in Lambertville, MI! 

Me and my special guy (Rob) met up with our local friends from the Rebel Rousers and Highway Hellions Car Clubs, here in the Ashland, OH area.  The group of us all pitched tents after the main car show and we readied ourselves for the flame throwing rides and after party. And an after party it was!! 

I had the privilege of meeting some awesome assholes (I say that with love) that we look forward to seeing again. Was introduced to some of the gear heads of the Voodoo Kings Kustom CC in Illinois, Lucky Aces Car Club of Toledo, OH, and of course, the fabulous hosts of the show, the Piston Jammers CC!!! I ran into the beautiful Red Vixen too and her non profit. But forgot to get a pic of us.  
The trip home was pretty freaking fantastic and most memorable for me! My good friend Jim Roepke of the Rebel Rousers Car Club knew I needed some hot rod therapy. After breakfast on Sunday morning, I climbed in the passenger seat of his chopped blue coupe (see image above) and rode 1/2 the way back to Ashland, OH in this ride while he hauled a vintage teardrop trailer. 

In the group with us were Mike Wiles and his wife, Vickie. Vickie was driving the family car with their daughter, while Mike and Roepke toyed around a bit. Rob also followed the these two rides in the caravan of car enthusiasts. 

At a mid point we stopped off at an ice cream stand that was shaped like a giant soft serve vanilla cone. I'm not usually an ice cream type of gal, but I couldn't say no to this experience... Plus everyone else was eating it and we already pigged out at a greasy spoon 'all you can eat' breakfast buffet. What's a little ice cream?!?! 

Thinking I'd be climbing back in the truck with Rob, I hear my name being shuffled about. "Time to swap her out!" Is what I swore I heard. Normally that would be engine talk in the garage, but I had a feeling this wasn't the case. And it wasn't. 

I was getting to sit along side Mike Wiles with the Highway Hellions Car Club in his badass chopped rod.... I had Ohhhh my gawd! This ride! I admitted this was one of my favorite rides at the last several car kulture and club shows. To be able to sit in the passenger seat and toy around with Roepke was priceless! 

The entire experience of this event was one I'll never forget! It goes down in my books as one of then,last fun and memorable times I can recall with the people I call my gear head family. This event and show were the inspiration to my "Kandi's Pick" award I created for the Rebel Rousers Rumble.

 Looking forward to having a ride or two in next years show! A must to have on your car adventure lists!

Kandi's Kustoms 3rd Annual Cruise In Raises $1,000!

View a variety of images that day by visiting our Facebook album:

September 11th is a day that will forever be embedded in the minds and hearts of many Americans. I had asked the guys at the fire station what day worked best for them for the 3rd annual Kandi's Kustoms Cruise In for 2016. The day they lost their fellow brothers was the day they chose, so I abided.

At 11am the cruise in kicked off to benefit the Ashland Fire - Local 1386 in Ashland, OH. Capt. Rob McCrea and myself, along with the retired firehouse dalmatian, Kelly, made the epic entrance into the cruise in on the restored 1928 Seagrave Firetruck, one of Ashland's oldest trucks that is still maintained an used for parades and events such as this. Of course I couldn't resist ringing that old fire bell as we pulled in!  Ashland Fire also brought down the large Tower 50 ladder truck and extended the ladder to fly the beautifully large old glory. The red, white, and blue waved mighty in the wind and shown brightly throughout the day's events.  A surprise visit from the historical society accompanied the day, as they drove the retired 1946 Seagrave Firetruck down and parked by Tower 50. It was a view that none of the spectators would forget.

At noon we announced the national anthem and the entire crowd of attendees, veterans, firefighters, gear heads, and children alike, respectfully stood in silence as we all faced the American flag flying from Tower 50. We followed with a moment of silence in honor of the bravery and lives lost on Sept. 11th, 2001. It was hard to believe 15 years had passed by so quickly.

Cars and car clubs alike continued to roll into the parking lot throughout the day at the Eagles Club, where we had scheduled this years cruise in in advance.  This year we teamed up with the Rebel Rousers Car Club and made a three day weekend with a pre-party on Friday night, the Rebel Rousers Rumble on Saturday at the old Ashland Armory, and the Kandi's Kustoms Cruise In on Sunday. Gear heads, car kulture clubs, and hot rod enthusiasts came from all over for the three day event that was labeled the, "Rods, Broads, and Heroes" weekend. All the proceeds from the Rebel Rousers Rumble went to benefit local veterans.  Proceeds from the Kandi's Kustoms cruise in benefited the Ashland Fire - Local 1386.

A "Lil' Miss Blaze" contest was held for ladies ages 4-14. Young ladies dressed in their rebel rockabilly or princess pin up best for a chance at the first annual crown. It was a close call, but the youngest of them all won the hearts of the crowd over and was crowned the 1st Annual Lil' Miss Blaze. Eleanor proudly wore her crown for the rest of the day and enjoyed having her picture taken on the antique fire truck with me and Kelly. Such a sweet girl, and little Eleanor never tired of walking around and looking at cars. Runner up was Mikayla Whiles. Each girl received a red rose and a huge thank you for participating.

Trophies this year were absolutely amazing! The most sought after trophy is the custom metal forged "Fire Fighters Choice" award. Local artisan, Gary Dreibelbis, did the design and custom metal forging of the fire truck. Thomas Thompson, co-owner, painter, and main tech at Kandi's Kustoms painted the truck, and Matt Lamborn applied the finishing touches with his incredible Pinstriping skills. Matt also did the gold leaf and pinstripes on the antique Seagrave. John McGlynn, stole the hearts of the attending firefighters with his customized 1929 Model A hot rod. He was also awarded the Kids Choice trophy.

My "Kandi's Pick" trophy consisted of a highly customized paint can that was stuffed full of fresh roses and candy... Of course! Mr. Daugherty, a local veteran with his beautifully done and patriotic 1968 Chevy Camaro would steal my heart for the win!

Since I had created a trophy for the Rebel Rousers Rumble, the car club showed up with a Rebels pick! Their choice nearly brought me to tears. They presented the 1928 antique Seagrave from Ashland Fire with their pick. There's a huge story hidden in here that's waiting to burst out! The emotional connection between the Sidle family, this truck, and the firefighters runs deep, and it was felt by the crowd yesterday when the Rebel Rousers pick was handed to Capt. McCrea and an appointed car club member gave a short explanation of why. My heart melted and it was accompanied by a round of applause from attendees and spectators alike.

A total of 68 vehicles registered for the 3rd annual Kandi's Kustoms Cruise In. There were a few more that joined the festivities but didn't register. Today I took down all the funds raised from the Kandi's Kustoms cruise in to the fire station and presented $1,065 to the Ashland Fire - Local 1386.

I couldn't have done it without all the donated door prizes from local business and individuals, along with an additional cash donation from the Rebel Rousers Car Club.

By the end of the day, I had handed out nearly all the freshly cut yellow roses to local veterans as I offered them a hug and thanked them for all they had done on our home turf and overseas.  Attending firefighters were given red roses and thanked for their services on the home front and locally. These brave men and women are our hometown heroes and this is what my cruise in and the three day Rods, Broads, and Heroes weekend is all about!

Images are gathered from a variety of individuals and photographers. Please tag, share, and post your pics from the 3 day weekend. Add a link in the comments if it's your business, car club, or you see yourself or someone you know.

Thank you to everyone for making this years the best success yet! Can't wait until 2017!!

Kandi 'Blaze' Cooper
Shop Manager & Co-Owner
Kandi's Kustoms Hot Rod & Restoration Shop

Friday, July 22, 2016


I can hear them. 
Their sorrows, regrets, hatred of life. 
It's here within these walls.
Trapped, caged, unable to move on.
Empty cells full of rage.
No will, no love, no hope.
Death is called upon.
I can hear them.
Pained, tormented, tortured souls.
Songs of suicide.
Blades, shanks, a noose of rope.
Behind rusted bars. 
Solitarily confined. 
I can hear them.

© Kandi Blaze Cooper (image and poem)

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Rods, Broads, and Heroes - 3 Days of cool rides & good times!

Save the Dates!! September 9th, 10th, and 11th!
Rods, Broads & Heroes - 3 Day Weekend in Ashland, Ohio!!
A gathering of Gear Heads, Rebels, Rockers, Greasers, and Automotive Enthusiasts! 3 Days of Pin Ups, Cool Rides, Rods, and Good Times!
~ Join us for one of the biggest car weekends in Ashland, OH by saluting our hometown heroes and rocking some rebel rides!

FRIDAY - September 9th:
Rebel Rousers Pre-Party hosted by Kandi Blaze, the Rebel Rousers C.C. Ohio, and Club42 Bar & Grill - 1702 Claremont Ave.
SATURDAY - September 10th:
Rebel Rousers Rumble
Pre-1964 Car Show at the old Armory - 512 East Main St. Featuring:
6 Rock-N-Rockabilly bands performing on a outdoor stage.
1960's TV show themed pin up contest proceeds go to the Patriot Pin Up Inc., a Rebel Rousers charity to assist our veterans.
SUNDAY - September 11th:
Kandi's Kustoms 3rd Annual Cruise In (4pm - 7pm)
Open to All Makes & Models. Located at the Caddy Shack Indoor Golf & Fun - 1640 Claremont Ave. Day 3 of the Rods, Broads, & Heroes. Hosted by Kandi Blaze and the Kandi Girls.
All proceeds benefit the Ashland Fire Local 1386

Stay tuned to the Kandi's Kustoms & Rebel Rousers C.C. Pages for updates!
Contact Kandi Blaze or Jim Roepke for more information or to become a vendor or sponsor.
Tag, like, invite, and share with your friends!!
Event Link:

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Today I Remembered

For some reason I can't quit drawing these little skully-skeleton doodles and putting words to them. It's like the soul speaks and I have to release it on paper. - Kandi 

Comfort from your arms. 
Hope from your words. 
Love from your eyes.
Today my soul remembered you.
Strength from your heart.
Pride from your passion.
Kindness from your caress.
Today my soul remembered you.
© Kandi Blaze Cooper

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Disproportioned Lines

Drawing & poem by Kandi Blaze.  Coloring by Barbara Barnes
Because I've always been that weird chick that writes poetry, lyrics, and little oddities. Lately the pen bleeds onto the paper with scribbled lines such as this and then words follow. Thanks for letting me share my soul with all of you. :) ~ Kandi 

'Disproportioned lines' 
Disproportionately chaotic in a world bruised and broken.
Baring her heart she offers her love as a desperate token.
A lost soul no longer bound to this earthly ground. 
Free from the chains of the corrupt industrial compounds.
Hope and laughter she'll sing from her tattered and torn chords. 
She challenges Death to a final game on the chessboard.
Her brain a train wreck of fears of losing herself in the destructive derail.
Once again she'll rise from the ashes so she can live and prevail.
© Kandi Blaze Cooper

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Would you accept me if I was broken?
Forget my flaws and know I may not grow old?
What if I told you I was beaten with battles of my own.
How would you feel if I didn't have this affliction?
You see my inner beauty, my scars that bare all. 
Will you lie here and be imperfect with me through it all?
You see my light in the darkness and my demons within.
Can you be the tame for this devil heathen?
Can you heal and love the woman I have become?
© Kandi Blaze Cooper 

Monday, May 16, 2016

A Taste of my Soul

Grandmother Cooper's most loved and well used cookbook speaks from the shelves. Her spirit calls me to turn the stained pages from her once floured and buttered hands. I flip through and see her check marks as I read her little notes and adjustments. Accompanying her script writing is mine from some of the recipes I've tried and adjusted too. The cover itself tells a story of the tastiest pages awaiting inside. 

An empty wine bottle that was first a gift of homemade honeymead now holds freshly cut flowers from the beds of a place where I lay my head at night. Their colors are vivid with hearts that bleed and bells that sing.  I tend to the blooming beauties adorning the cozy house that boasts picture perfect porches.

Kitchen cupboards show my presence with eclectic vintage dishes and gourmet gadgets.  I put my apron on and begin scanning the ingredients I have available. My mind races as I think of creations that will tantalize tastebuds and bring a smile to the receiver of my labor.  There is always a recipe that will speak to me from my grandmothers book, so I listen and wait for her spirit to move me.

Creation begins and I find my solace in the magic of this old art. I mix, taste, chill, and roll out the from scratch sugar cookie dough. My personality is expressed in the choice of cookie cutter I recently purchased at an old general store.  The stones I've selected to bake on give me even heat for the desired golden edges. After the cookies have cooled I whip up a batch of frosting with a blend of sugars, milk, and shortening. A little piece of my soul and a reflection of my life is displayed and now ready to be devoured and consumed by an eager and hungry smile.

© Kandi Blaze Cooper 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

Hot Rod Life is In your DNA

The hot rod life chooses you, you don't get to choose the hot rod life. Building cars is either in your blood or it's not. It's a passion no matter how rough the day, how hard the job, or how ungrateful someone else is at the amount of work these beauties require. Despite the aggravation you encounter, you can't say no and you can't walk away. It grabs you by the heart and pulls you in. ~ Kandi

Friday, May 6, 2016

Blaze for President 2016

For President

The Watchers

'The Watchers'

Release my wrath until I've had my toll.
Darkness enshrouds my mortal soul.
Embrace the demon I've become today.
Let my light drift and fade away.

What have I become?
I feel I'm the only one.
Life has taken another breath.
No justice in this death.

Call upon the watchers tonight.
Soaring through the sky in their flight.
Stones crumble to the ground below.
Perched creatures swoop down low.

Can you feel the pain?
It's transforming again.
Watch my wings spread.
I'm hungry and need fed.

Unleash the winged and restless beast.
Tonight I accompany the deceased.
Give oath to the mighty vanguard. 
Honor the guardians of the graveyard.

© Kandi Blaze Cooper 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016



Here is where I am forgotten.
The journey here misbegotten.
My shadow still dances in the moonlight.
Reflections shimmer from this calcite. 
Weathered and worn is my fame.
Visitors no longer gather around my name.
My life is in this stone etched by man.
Yet I am tall and proud I still stand.
Sunset after sunset the trees reach higher. 
After the winter solstice the days grow brighter.
I watch the cycles from my standing grace.
This is my home, this is my place. 
I am all that is left above her beauty.
Returning to earth was her final duty.
Alone we are all in the end.
Just these stones to help broken hearts mend.
Memorials of loved ones passed by.
No more flowers to wilt and dry.
Leaning from roots and weather.
Discarded to make room for another. 
Stacked among the sacred stones.
Left in a pile like old rib bones. 
We are gone. 
We are gone. 

Kandi Blaze © 2016

Wild Woman

"Wild Woman"

I want to dream.
I want to live.
I want to learn to love again.

I want to be free.
I want to see.
I want to soar once more.

Wild woman unleash your reins.
Wild woman she can't be tamed.
Wild woman knows her truth.
Wild woman isn't afraid of you.

I want to feel. 
I want to scream.
I want to escape these chains.

I want to ride.
I want to sing.
I want to breathe again.

Wild woman unleash your reins.
Wild woman she can't be tamed.
Wild woman knows her truth.
Wild woman isn't afraid of you.

Kandi Blaze - 2016 

The Little Things

The little things... 
Sunlight dancing on the ripples in the spring fed stream.
Reflections of water on the Bluebell flowers gleam.
Dragonflies swirling through the Spring breeze.
The smell of fresh cut grass and blooming pink Peonies.
Glowing embers rolling with flames shooting above.
Early conversations and coos with a morning dove. 
Late night kisses under the Milky Way.
Making love in the back of a beat up Chevrolet.  
Standing by a pond while bats buzz around.
Placing my bare feet on the cool damp ground. 
Watching lightening strikes spider against the night sky.
Singing a newborn baby a sweet lullaby. 
Listening to autumn leaves fall to the ground.
Enjoying the sacredness of sound. 
Creating memories with special friends.
Taking adventures and wanting it to never end.
Kandi Blaze Cooper 2016

Beautiful Spring Night

I lie in bed and feel the warm spring breeze blow across my naked body. 
Like gentle kisses touching my stomach and caressing me to my breasts.
Sounds of crickets and frogs fill the silence of the night.
Moonlight streams through the window and dances among the clouds.
I treasure each breath of fresh air as I inhale the crispness.
Subtle hints of new blooms and turned earth greet my senses. 
My eyes weigh heavy as I relax and take in this moment.
I let go of the stresses and strife we face everyday in life. 
Sand fills the corners of my sleepy eyes as I kiss the world goodnight.
© Kandi Blaze Cooper 2016

Sunday, March 6, 2016

It's a Night Owl & Dark Mistress Thing

On average I get 4 to 6 hours of sleep a night. Not by choice. I can be dead tired and surviving on a blinks rest, but as soon as eleven o'clock rolls around, I'm wide awake. Sometimes it hits me later and nearing one in the morning, my brain suddenly kicks into overdrive with creative thoughts, ideas, and words that flow faster then my fingers can write or type.

It's been this way since I can remember. I fought sleep as a child and never napped. Nor do I now. When the mob and stars came out, my senses heightened and I would become more awake and alert.  More day dreaming occurred in the late night hours than ever possible during the day. With the darkness came my light.

A night owl, mistress of the dark, lover of the moon, shadow dancer, are all names or references I've been called. I don't mind. I've been called some darker things too, but these seem to fit and I no longer care about the stigma with them.  I prefer moonlight over sunlight.  Yet I still love and enjoy both.

It donned on me one day that I am this sweet and compassionate gal, but I had this love for black eyeliner, red lipstick, and some intriguing custom tattoos that might contribute to this mistress of the night thing.  Plus my eyebrows have those natural points at the top that give me that mischievous yet sexy look. Then I raise my one just a bit when I'm either super intrigued or slightly annoyed. Sometimes both.

I bare my bat on my chest, one of my favorite and most loved creatures for so many reasons.  Look closer at her and you will see a face within her. The eyes and nose of the smiling Green Man gaze back upon you. Look closer into my bat and the center is the ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis, as she is knelt down with her arms wide and her horned crown on her head.

Upon my back is my sacred skull tattoo. A layered piece of art that looks dimensional when walking away. Up close the underneath bares paisley eyes and heart teeth and many small hidden images that have personal meaning to me.  Layered over are watercolors, giving an illusion of an entirely different skull. Basically a dimensional skull within a skull. For me it's a soul/spirit connection with this word. My fathers family was heavily Native American and much of this ink is symbolic of ancient beliefs, knowledge, life, and the multiple lives/dimensions we walk in.

Below my skull I bare two large webs and dangling beneath one is Itsy Bitsy. These webs resemble a Tim Butron creation, as his movies such as 'Corpse Bride' and 'Nightmare Before Christmas' resonate with me. Some of my past medical battles, near death experiences, and life & love changing moments are reflected in the webs the spider weaves. She's creative, capable of incredible strengths, able to overcome a multitude of obstacles, and beautiful even in all of her fury.

I have quite a bit if ink and go back to continue work on my one sleeve and future projects.  I owe much of the creation process to Curt Ames, owner of Studio What? in Berlin, OH. What? Yes, Studio What? is indeed the name and it's the only tattoo parlor and rocking art alley in Amish Country. Aka, Holmes County, Ohio. I've known Curt off years and when I start rambling an idea, his mind and pen tune in and some some some work is created.

So there you have it. A glimpse at my love for the night and my love of ink. My usual sessions are 4-8 hours. I've had up to 12 hours in one day and once had a fairly large amount of ink work done two days in a row. I've been through enough in this life that the pain is moderate. It merely reminds me I'm alive. I rather enjoy the endorphins and love the energy and release at the end. For me it's literally a form of therapy.

This has been 'Late Night Pondering with Ms. Blaze'... As the screen goes to color bars and all you hear is the extended beep tone with the channels logo. It's two in the morning.

Kandi Blaze

Monday, February 22, 2016

My Passion for Drag Racing: Why I Build My Drag Car

If the start of my tattoo sleeve doesn't automatically give away my diehard appreciation for cars & horsepower, wait a few seconds as auto body or car lingo will quickly commence in our conversation.  My appreciation and love runs incredibly deep.

For me, each build becomes an intimate relationship.  I start with the body of a car, and I begin my dance. I bob and weave to see her body lines reflect in different lighting and shadows. I often close my eyes and gently run my fingers over areas that I want to focus my attention on. I shut out the world and feel for small dents and ripples over her curves. Once I've found all her imperfections, I remove her paint, stripping her down slowly so I can see the blank canvas that my hands get to work with. She may need more work, and if that's the case, I play surgeon and aid in removing her heart and exposing her skeletons in the closet.

This is my passion. I want to know all her secrets. I want to know every detail that needs my attention so I can fix her from the inside out. She's worth it!  They're all worth it!

Most people go out and buy a finished hot rod, classic or muscle car, or race vehicle. I've had that option too, but the appreciation isn't there for me.  I have to be part of her build, and owning a hot rod shop enables me to live my dream.  The same applies for the drag car I'm building. My hands have touched every centimeter of her very existence. They know all her lines, her curves, where her trouble problems may be and where her strength lies.

When all the hard work for the body is finished, the creative process for paint plays the next role. I want her the deepest black with pearl overlays. I choose black because there is no imperfection you can hide with this color. She will be flawless to the eye with her racing stripes laid with custom lacing, the dash smoked and singed with a trade that was passed down to me.  Custom pinstripes above the drivers door will read, "Kandi Blaze", with a little skull and cross bone to accompany it.

Horsepower comes next. This is where my heart beats faster, my mouth gets a little dry, my palms sweat, and my knees become weak. Of course she can't be anything underpowered. Great thing about horsepower, there are always more ways to increase, and increase, and increase some more. Some would say there is no such thing as too much horsepower. I like those kind of people!

There's something that gets me excited about a high horsepower motor and loud exhaust. I'm an open header fan to say the least. The sound and rumble makes me quiver with an overwhelming sensation that tingles through my body. The smell of high octane racing fuel tops it off and I'm putty. Melting at her every rev and begging to ride her.

What is it about the torque during a launch at the drag tree that's so exciting? Perhaps it's the ripple and fold in the rear tires that grip the pavement to catch her so she can come back to earth and soar down the track.  Maybe it's the lift of the front end or the slight flex of the body.  For some it could be the nitrous tease that the driver hopes intimidates the racer in the other lane.  Then 'POW!', it happens! You reach the ground and before she shoots off down the track, there is this microsecond where time stands still and then like a bat out of hell you're battling for the win. Before you know it, you're off the throttle and heading back to the pit. It's all over. You either won or lost. There's no 2nd place. Doesn't matter what the race or overall competition is. During those few seconds the only win you care about is the one you are beside. Then you focus on the next one and the next one. Making sure your sweet ride is still performing her best in between.

It's late evenings in the garage. Long weekends, never ending nights at the track, and missed meals. Things break. All the time. Then more things break. Language and tempers rise over complications or schedules. Finances are always an issue. Yet none of that ever makes you consider quitting. Aggravated, annoyed, down right pissed off?  Yes!  This is drag racing at the finest. It's a sport that tests your every nerve and requires a large amount of patience, especially from those that love you and accept this addiction to speed and horsepower.

I blame it on my parents. Not in any negative way though!  In the summer of 79' I was conceived at Dragway 42 in West Salem, OH. I was a gear head at conception.  My destiny returns me Dragway 42 upon the opening in the 2016 season. Perhaps my smart ass attitude enables me to be a bit sarcastic on that last statement, but in all seriousness, I'm enthusiastic beyond belief that this is where I got my start. Life began at this track for me and I've been down it before. The reopening of it makes me smile and in some weird way, I feel complete and whole. My dad passed in 2009, but I have no doubt he'll be sitting beside me when I'm lining up at that tree and getting ready to make my past at the new track. I like to think he's proud of his baby girl and all the things I do.

I owe much of my automotive roots to my dad, Ken Cooper (1942-2009).  There isn't a time I can't remember helping him in the garage or his paint store. I remember him calling me his gofer and asking me to help him get his wrenches, sockets, vise grips, and other stuff when I was a very young girl.  I asked him one day why he called me his little gofer. He responded by telling me that he taught me the tools so he could have me 'go for' this and 'go for' that. It hit me all at once! I wasn't his little gofer girl, I was his little 'go for' girl. I laughed incredibly hard and was thankful he didn't think i resembled a gofer...

Monday, February 15, 2016

Sweet Rides & Lovely Ladies for Valentine's Day

It's my pleasure to announce that the 7th Annual CHAZZIZ Indoor Valentine's Cruise In raised $1,000 for the Alzheimer's Association!

A grand time was had by all that attended. I personally had a wonderful experience and look forward to attending next years show!

The variety of vehicles was a refreshing site, and I loved them all! From the ones that strive for perfection, to daily drivers, and home projects. But I must admit, even though I love thiose deep glass paint jobs and custom classics, my heart is infatuated with the creativity and beauty of the art and commitment from diehard gear heads and rebels that build their own badass rat rods. This show had some of the coolest I've seen!

Among the car enthusiasts were an incredible group of empowered pin ups!  These ladies went above and beyond with their beautiful hair, makeup, and stunning outfits! I had the privilege to be on stage with the ladies and ask each of them a question. So much beauty in one place!

 I was stoked to have this custom pinstrip piece made for the hot rod shop by Taz with The Sketch Pad.  His work was on display and not just on classic cars. Taz's work was displayed on a variety of items, including pin up style shoes, purses, and other platforms. I also got to meet his beautiful gal and their incredibly spunky daughter that was crowned Lil' Miss Cazz! I foresee a future gear head with that little doll. Such a sweetie!

One of my personal favorite eras for cars in the late 20s through the 30's. But those that know me also know how much I love trucks. When it comes to these old classic vehicles my heart is always bestowed to the vintage style of the 40s! 

 One of the oldest vehicles was a 1912 Ford farm truck. It was an honor to see and sit in an original piece of history. Everyone at the show was so kind to offer a similar experience.  This is one of those not too big shows that you get to meet people and know a bit about them. The stories that were shared by fellow attendies and those displaYing their pride and joy are part of the experience.
I want to give special thanks to Charlie with CHAZZIZ DJ Service for inviting me and putting on a great show. And thank you to all those that came out and contributed to raising funds for a great cause! It was a pleasure to meet every single one of you!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My V8 Heart

My heart rumbles like the V8 engines I hear revving in the garages and being prepped for the upcoming drag racing & car show season. When I reminisce I can smell the high octane racing fuel and hot rubber from slicks spinning before they stage in their lanes. The exhausts shake the garage doors with each engine rev. I feel my body tingle and my smile grows larger. The anticipation overcomes me and I squeal like an excited schoolgirl being kissed for the first time by her high school crush.

This is what horse power does to me.  Perhaps it's in my dna. When I was younger my parents confirmed that I was indeed conceived in the summer of '79 at Dragway 42 in West Salem, OH.

I question whether I am human or part machine as my love for these magnificent beauties is considered alien by those that under appreciate the amazing art, curves, and sexiness of each classic car body. A masterpiece of history that tells a story of our past and often integrated with technology of today.

To work on, restore, customize, and drive some of these incredible vehicles has been a dream come true. An intimate relationship is formed with each ride when you familiarize yourself with each imperfection, each body line, every curve, crevice, and line she has. It's my job to work with my team and bring these machines back to life but even better than before. I see them from their skeleton and
often have to rebuild their bones before their bodies are repaired and put back together. Every step of
the way brings then closer back to life and they will once again live on for decades.

My stories about how I became a gearhead and hot rod enthusiast likely go back to the date of my
conception. Instead of building giant towers with my wood blocks, I made hot rod shops and race tracks for my Hotwheels cars. I remember having a set of cars that you could crash them and the doors would flip over. I was stoked because I could put them in my make believe hot rod shop and repair them to new. There were times I'd sneak my nail polish out and add stripes and layers of different colors to my cars as well.

When I was eight my parents gave me a secondhand yellow banana seat bike. I loved the bike but wasn't a fan of the faded and worn color. I bugged and bugged my dad to paint it hot pink with black pinstripes. I don't know if it's because he simply got tired of hearing me hound him repeatedly to paint my bike, or if he loved the fact that I was so adamant about customizing it. Either way, he
caved, but made me a deal. He told me if he showed me how to sand and prep it for paint and I did all the work, he would paint it my hot pink and put black pinstripes down it. I jumped up and down so many times in excitement that he knew my answer was a definite yes! I started early the next morning and about eight or so hours later, it was ready for him to mask and paint. By the next day my hot pink bike was done and I was the happiest girl riding it up and down the country dirt road.

My passion for customizing cars, loving horsepower, and returning to the drag strip drives me to incredible heights and creates new challenges for me along the way. I look forward to embracing the next few years up at the track. This late spring and summer I will do some practice runs and a few entrants in a 72 Chevy Nova that's currently undergoing an off the frame overhaul with one of the sweetest custom 'Kandi' paint jobs I've ever seen.  We'll continue to work on my fox body Mustang to get it ready to strictly be a track car capable of producing some very impressive quarter miles times.

Stay tuned to my Facebook page and Blog for updates with this and many of my upcoming adventures and travels!

Kandi Blaze

Let the Traveling Begin!

I'm beyond stoked to announce my upcoming travels, guest appearances, and event hosting. Not to mention drag racing and car show season is right around the corner.

Valentine's Day weekend is coming up and I'll be at the CHAZZIZ Indoor Car Show with the lovely Miss Retro Lemom. Join us Saturday and Sunday the 13th & 14th for a grand time!